Programs + Initiatives
B.C. Patron Insights

Summary Report
B.C. Patron Insights Strategy F.A.Q.s
No! This is a service the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance is providing to arts, culture, or heritage organizations within British Columbia, free of charge.
- Review the information on this webpage to understand the scope of this service/project.
- You’ll complete an online request form (located at the bottom of this page) to express your interest in participating, and to provide GVPTA with your organization’s logo and other details.
- We will reach out to you with any questions we have, and if approved, we will build the survey for your organization and provide you with the survey link to be shared by your organization directly with your patrons in whatever manner you choose.
- GVPTA will provide you with ongoing access to the raw data and a summary report of your survey responses (See a sample of what this may look like here).
- Your data will also be combined with other data collected from other organizations through this service to build a community-wide data collection.
- Patrons' general participation in arts and cultural activities
- The level of interest in digital programming
- The level of support they may be willing to provide your organization through the recovery process, and past patronage and participation.
- Their comfort level and interest in returning
- Demographic information
- When was the last time you attended one of our in-person events or performances / visited our arts centre? (With select time windows to be checked)
- How comfortable would you be purchasing food and/or beverages at that event? (Responses ranging from "Not at all comfortable" to "Very comfortable")
- As in-person programming will continue to be limited for the foreseeable future, how interested would you be if we produced online programming? (Responses ranging in scale from 1 to 9; 1 = Not Interested to 9 = Very Interested)
In order to obtain a global picture and a more detailed understanding of the situation of the cultural sector in British Columbia and across Canada, aggregate data from survey results will be integrated with other surveys and/or shared with analysts and researchers with expertise in cultural participation and consumption.
Survey responses are kept confidential and anonymous. The survey does not ask for name, contact details, or any other identifying information. Only aggregate data will be publicly disclosed; individual responses will not be publicly disclosed.
To receive the most accurate information, we do not request any identifying information from survey participants. If, however, you wanted to create an incentive for survey respondents, you could create an draw entry form which they could access after submitting the survey, where you could ask for contact information. Any incentive forms would need to managed by your organization. Pease contact us to discuss it further.
Email Executive Director Kenji Maeda at