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Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance (GVPTA)


Join an alliance of  theatre workers, gain inspiration, build connections, and be a part of a thriving community.

Questions About Membership? 


Membership Directory

Any theatre-related organization, or any individual who participates in, or supports live theatre is welcome to become a member. 

Our members include performing artists, production companies and collectives, producers, designers, directors, venues, educators and educational institutions,  publicists, students, and administrators. 

See examples of our current and recent members below. If you're uncertain of the status of your membership, please contact us. 

Company Members

Company members include organizations, ensembles, and collectives that produce or present theatrical performances.

Associate Members

Associate Members include educational institutions, performing arts venues, arts service organizations, multi-disciplinary and non-theatre arts organizations, and service providers connected with the performing arts.

Individual Members

Individuals include performers, designers, stage managers, administrators, technicians, and other theatre artists and arts workers.

August Elzinga

Monica Emme

Filip Fufezan
Aaron Fysh

Júlia Gama

Anna Garoucheva Gonzalez

Christopher David Gauthier

Natalie Gifford

Delaney Gilmour

Dek Green

Allana Griesheimer

Sewit Eden Haile

Alysson Hall

Penny Handford

Aidan Hardy


Jane Heyman

Dayna Horn

Nathan Howe

Agnes Hui

christine iannetta

Lucy Jeffery

Sam Jeffery

Micaele Johnson

Rebekah Johnson

Tiana Jung

Hazel Kang

Bianca Kenna

Danielle Klaudt

Danica Kobayashi

Yukari Komatsu

Soleil Kovács
Howie Kwan

Pete Kytwayhat

Mehdi Lamrini

Ethan Lapointe

Paige Louter

Crystal Luo

Chelsea MacDonald

Kathy MacKenzie

Chardonae Manuel

Gabrielle Marcolin

Timothy Marron

Heather Agnes McConnachie

Nicole McLuckie

Victoria McNeil

Lucy McNulty

Faly Mevamanana

Jennifer Milley

Mason Mintz

elika mojtabaei

Eli Moores

Erika Morey

Michelle Morris

Jack Mosher

Karyn Mott

Mersiha Musovic

Priya Narine

Nicolle Nattrass

Lissa Neptuno

Amy Lee Newman

Becky Oben

Jessica O'Gorman

Jullianna Oke

Bernice Paet

Makailla Palliyaguru

Leigha Parker

Jonathon Paterson

Amanda Peters

Annie Pham-Tran

Megan Phillips

Hans Potter

Gaia Preite

Sophia Radford