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Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance (GVPTA)

Programs + Initiatives

Research + Advocacy Overview

Learn more about some of our recent work to raise awareness of the needs of the performing arts industry and broader arts and culture sector.

BC Coalition of Arts, Culture, & Heritage

GVPTA is among 29 organizations representing thousands of arts, culture, and heritage organizations in every region and more than 188 communities in BC, working together to advocate for a brighter future for the arts in our province. 

Learn more about the Coalition's work, shared goals, and how you can help. 

BC Coalition of Arts, Culture, and Heritage

Sector Insights

Our Fall 2023 B.C. Arts, Culture, & Heritage Sector Insights Report shares results of a survey conducted province-wide to help us better understand, advocate, and inform government, funders, and other stakeholders on the current state of the sector.

Learn more about the report highlights and download the full document.

BC Arts, Culture,  & Heritage Sector Insights Report

B.C. Patron Insights

A data strategy for British Columbia's arts and culture sector. 

Learn more about how we can help you survey your patrons.

BC Patron Insights

Community Feedback to 
BC Arts Council

Surveying and reporting back on common community experiences with the BC Arts Council’s Operating Assistance grant program with the September 15, 2022 application deadline.

Learn more about the report and view our webinar with BC Arts Council. 

Community Feedback

COVID-19 Impact Survey & Reports

From 2020 through 2021, GVPTA collected and analyzed data reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on arts and culture organizations across the province. 

Learn more about the surveys and read the resulting reports.

COVID-19 Arts and Culture Sector Impact